Samuel Phillip Wilson

Public Servant and Business Leader

Phil Wilson was born in Monterrey, Mexico on October 5, 1967. The son of Sam and the late Betty Wilson, he was raised in Brownwood, Texas where his father served as a professor at Howard Payne University. 1986年,菲尔北上中文博彩平台(Hardin-Simmons University),并于1990年以B级成绩毕业.A. 政治科学和历史学位,并获得乔治·斯基尔斯·安德森杰出男毕业生奖章.

As an HSU Cowboy, he managed to find time to enjoy campus life.  He was an active member and officer of numerous student organizations. He was President of his freshman class, a founding member of Theta Alpha Zeta, Vice President of Student Congress, editor of the yearbook and President of the Student Activities Council, President of the Student Communication Association, and President of the Law and Politics Club. In addition, 他在几部戏剧作品中演出,并被提名为美国高校名人录.

Phil’s greatest accomplishment at HSU was meeting his future wife, Kristen.  They were married in 1992 and have one son, Christian.  They live in Austin today and attend Hill Country Bible Church.


Beginning in 1991, 菲尔开始了一段特殊的专业旅程,专注于公共服务,担任了6年的区域主任.S. Senator Phil Gramm in a 43-county area where he managed events, 在1997年接受德克萨斯州铁路专员查尔斯·马修斯(Charles Matthews)的通讯主任一职之前,他曾担任参议员的私人助理,并为公众辩护. Phil again served Senator Gramm and the people of Texas starting in 1999, this time as State Director of Operations.

In 2002, 菲尔被任命为德克萨斯州州长里克·佩里的通讯主任,一年后被任命为州长的副幕僚长. In this capacity, 菲尔负责监督与促进经济发展和为德州人创造就业机会有关的举措. 除了构思和实施竞争性可再生能源区计划以帮助风能分配外,他还管理联邦资金问题和政策制定. 菲尔负责德州的旅游活动,同时也指导“德州一号”计划,该计划旨在为所有德州人的经济利益向外部企业推销德州.

Governor Perry appointed Phil as the 106 th  Texas Secretary of State effective July 1, 2007. 在此期间,他曾担任德克萨斯州的首席选举官和首席国际礼宾官. 他还被任命为州长在边境和墨西哥事务上的联络人,同时继续代表州长佩里管理经济发展倡议. 菲尔曾担任新兴技术基金和德州企业基金的州长指定人. Additionally, 他曾担任竞争力委员会主席和边境安全委员会成员.

From 2008 until 2011, Phil Wilson暂时离开公共服务部门,进入私营企业,担任Luminant(德克萨斯州最大的发电公司,Energy Future Holdings的子公司)公共事务高级副总裁. 在这个职位上,他负责监督公司的社区关系, communications, and all regulatory and governmental affair efforts.

In 2011, 菲尔被任命为德克萨斯州交通运输部的执行主任,领导12个州,负责监督100亿美元的预算,同时执行德州交通委员会和德州立法机关的政策方向. Phil successfully led this complex, 通过发展其新的使命和目标,包括机构重组和实施技术解决方案,为纳税人提供的财政资源提供透明和准确的管理,为德克萨斯州公民服务的多层组织.

On February 3, 2014, 菲尔·威尔逊成为科罗拉多河下游管理局的第11任总经理. 他担任该组织的首席执行官,监督所有项目和运营,支持科罗拉多河下游管理局的公共服务使命,为德克萨斯州中部提供具有成本效益的电力, managing water supplies and floods in the lower Colorado River basin, providing public parks, and supporting community development in fifty-eight Texas counties.

During his life, 菲尔曾两次面对癌症带来的挑战,他选择从这些个人斗争带来的随之而来的教训中受益. 他坚定的信仰和美满的家庭是他旅途中巨大力量的源泉.

菲尔·威尔逊(Phil Wilson)一生致力于为公职人员服务,并为他们实现最大的利益, agencies and programs which he has led. 中文博彩平台很荣幸能够表彰她自己的一位,并正式将塞缪尔·菲利普·威尔逊(Samuel Philip Wilson)引入哈佛大学领袖堂.