

乔·埃德·布莱克(Joe Ed Black)是德克萨斯州拉梅萨人. 从拉梅萨高中毕业后, where he earned four letters in golf and three in basketball, Joe came to Hardin-Simmons University on a golf scholarship and majored in business. Joe has been described as one of the greatest golfers in Hardin-Simmons University 历史. He led the HSU golf team to a National Association of Intercollegiate 体育运动 title in 1953 and the team won two Border Conferences, 一次在1952年,一次在1953年. Joe turned pro after his second year at HSU and for three years served as assistant pro at the Abilene Country Club while continuing as a student at HSU.

In 1955, with less than six months remaining to graduate from Hardin-Simmons, Joe Ed (as he was known then) was faced with the choice to either finish school or go on the Professional Golf Association tour. So, 追随他对比赛的热情, 他收拾好装备, 去掉他的中间名, and started on a journey that has taken him around the world and back. He played on the 1956 PGA Winter Tour before becoming a regular on the PGA tour in 1957 and has been involved with the PGA ever since that time.

From humble beginnings as a golf caddy at the Lamesa Country Club (where, 用他自己的话来说, “西德克萨斯的球场又好又平”), until his retirement in 2001 as president and founder of Western Golf Properties, 公司. in Scottsdale, Arizona, Joe has been involved in golf for over 50 years. 他不仅参加了比赛, but has become known as one of the leading authorities in the rules area.

1958年,乔成为PGA锦标赛总监. It was during this time traveling with the PGA that he met and married Susan Webb and their children Cyndi and Randy were born. The young family traveled the PGA Tour with Joe until their daughter Cyndi started school and Joe became Golf Pro at the 3,1963年达拉斯的布鲁克海文乡村俱乐部,有5000名会员.

He has served on the rules committee at the Masters in Augusta, 美国职业高尔夫球协会规则委员会成员, 同时也是美国高尔夫协会规则委员会的顾问. He was conductor of all Ryder Cup matches in this country from 1963 to 1977, and director of the National PGA Club Professional Championship.

After serving as National Treasurer of the PGA, Black was elected president of the PGA in 1981. 这个职位后来被称为PGA专员. He has been credited with placing the PGA in a solid financial position. 1982年,他入选德州高尔夫名人堂.

In 1989, the 乔黑 Golf Endowment was established at Hardin-Simmons when, 应乔的要求, 阿尔伯塔B族. 法灵顿基金会以他的名义捐赠了5万美元. Investment earnings from the endowment are used for the operation of the HSU golf program. 另外, the 乔黑 Golf Classic is held each year at HSU to raise funds for Hardin-Simmons golf.

1990年,他入选哈佛大学体育名人堂. 在他担任美国职业高尔夫球协会赛事总监期间, Joe was seen by his peers as a stern disciplinarian—some even called him “preacher.” The first tournament he worked, the Los Angeles Open, forced upon him 28 rules decisions. 从那以后,他觉得做决定很容易, 这表明, “Everything that can come up is covered in the rules book—somewhere—and all you have to do is find it.”

乔与名人有过接触. 我们今天看到了他和总统们的合影, 演员, 棒球运动员, 还有一些美国最好的高尔夫球手.S. 历史. Ever true to his integrity to the rules, he did, however, almost rub one of them the wrong way. In 1962, shortly after Jack Nicklaus had begun his illustrious career by beating Arnold Palmer in a playoff at Oakmont to make the U.S. Open his first professional victory, Joe took him down a notch—or two. He penalized Jack two strokes for slow play during the Portland Open at the Columbia-Edgewater Country Club. Joe admits this was his most notorious rules decision but that he was just doing his job. 赛后, Joe asked Nicklaus to join him in the clubhouse so he could explain to him what was slowing down his game. 两人仍然是朋友, and Nicklaus mentions in one of his books that Joe’s action that day was one of the best things that ever happened to him. Joe’s willingness to give instruction with his penalty demonstrates the integrity of a man who not only enforces the rules but also cares for people.