Dr. 乔治•纽曼


博士照片. 乔治•纽曼

乔治•纽曼 was born to Hugh and Kittie Newman on March 15, 1941年在拉斯克鲁塞斯, 新墨西哥 and he is a descendant of the pioneer ranching Cowden family. 威廉, 乔治, and John Cowden established the Cowden Brothers Cattle Company in 1885, with its famed J A L brand – an operation that would grow to a herd of 40,从米德兰开始蔓延的地区, 得克萨斯州到卡尔斯巴德附近, 新墨西哥. It was the Cowden brothers who provided funds for Simmons College to build the original Cowden Hall.

乔治 graduated from Las Cruces Union High School where he was a top-ranked state tennis player before going on to begin his collegiate career at 新墨西哥 State University on a tennis scholarship. Following his transfer to Baylor University in 1961, he earned his B.S. 生物和化学学士学位,硕士学位.S. 生物学学位. 在贝勒大学期间,他遇到了他未来的妻子卡洛琳·安·卡尔弗特. 他们于1964年结婚. 乔治后来进入了德州体育学院&M大学,获得博士学位.D. 1975年获得野生动物生物学博士学位.

Dr. Newman came to Abilene in 1967 and began serving as Professor of Biology at Hardin-Simmons University and as the school’s tennis coach from 1974 to 1979 while also finding time to announce basketball games and rodeos. 在HSU任职期间,Dr. 纽曼曾两次被选为学院院长, chosen as an Outstanding Educator in America and served as president of the Texas Ornithological Society. Dr. Newman has held a particular interest in the birds and wildlife of the Guadalupe Mountains and his research on subjects such as the toxicity of algae, avian parasites and bird habitats earned him entry as a Fellow of the Texas Academy of Science.

此外,博士. Newman holds membership in the Ecological Society of America, 西南博物学家协会, 美国鸟类学家联盟, 库珀鸟类学会, 以及德州科学院.

在25年的教学生涯之后, 乔治 assumed the title of Professor Emeritus of Biology in 1992 and in 2002 was chosen as the Outstanding Former 教师 Member of the Year.

乔治 was selected as a member of the Hardin-Simmons Board of Trustees beginning in 1995 and served as chairman of the Academic Committee. 董事会的任期最长为九年, 他将在2014年再次当选HSU受托人. 乔治 was elected to the Wylie Independent School District Board in 1985, 担任了五年的总统. 另外, he served for fourteen years on the Taylor County Expo Center board; two years as president.

2003年,博士. Newman was appointed to fill an unexpired term as County Judge for Taylor County and was then elected to that post by the residents of Taylor County in 2004 and again in 2006. In this capacity Judge Newman was twice honored statewide for his county enhancement initiatives by receiving the Best Practices Award bestowed by the Texas Association of Counties. In 2006 he was honored for his implementation of a televised system in facilitating mental health hearings and in 2010 he was honored for his innovative jail diversion program. Judge Newman also served as a founding member of the Abilene/Taylor County Venue Tax Board and was instrumental in securing tax abatement agreements that attracted wind energy farms to Taylor County, 以及周边的县.

为了与他家族的牧场传统保持一致, 乔治操作了18号,000英亩的牛头农场,从1975年到2000年, a ranch co-owned by 乔治 and his sister Jo Ann Kloppenburg and once owned by their great-grandfather John Cowden.

乔治 and Carolyn Newman have been committed to the success of students as reflected in their personal contributions of time and resources that include supporting the establishment of the Rube and Mary Kate Evans Endowed Scholarship, 故选C. 埃文斯捐赠奖学金和李和卢C. 埃文斯西部遗产捐赠基金. 进一步, 乔治 and Carolyn established the HSU Grassland Initiative Endowment and, 最近, 乔治和卡罗琳·纽曼捐赠奖学金.

乔治 and Carolyn have two children, Jason and Laura, and six grandchildren. 乔治 faithfully serves as a deacon to the congregants of Pioneer Drive Baptist Church in Abilene.

作为一个基督教绅士, 他是大学忠实的家庭成员和挚友, 乔治·纽曼一直在为HSU事业提供帮助.  It is a high honor for Hardin-Simmons University to recognize one of her own and to formally induct 乔治 A. 纽曼进入哈佛大学领袖堂.